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Overland Articles

CARNETS -A carnet (pronounced car-nay) is a simple customs document, which acts as a passport for your motor vehicle when you take it overseas. It allows you to temporarily import your vehicle for a limited period of time without the need to pay cash at the border, equivalent to the customs duty and other excise taxes. It helps to save time and hassle when dealing with customs officers at international borders. Read more...

MUSLIM CLOTHING GUIDE - Going through Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan or Egypt? This article covers your clothing requirements in particular for women. Now includes information on how to make your own Chador. Read more...

SLEEPING MATS - Sleeping mats while not the first thing that you think of when planning your overland or backpacking trip, can be one of the most frequently used, especially if camping. As well as providing comfort during the night, they can also be used as a general ground cover when around the campfire, while having a picnic, while resting on the beach or for just relaxing on at the roadside. Read more...

ASSESSING RISKS - It is not easy to make an objective assessment of the risks involved in undertaking long distance overland travel. You will talk to people who will be completely negative and who are inherently not willing to take any risks at all. At the other extreme there are those who say "go for it" without a thought for the risks. Read more...

SECURITY - Security is on everyone's mind these days and it is wise to take as many precautions as possible. The most likely problem will be the opportunist thief. Occurrences of a violent nature are quite rare and the risk is more a matter of perception than reality. That is not to say that precautions are not needed. Read more...

9 4x4 DRIVING RULES - Clive Barker gives us a few thoughts on driving in difficult conditions. Read more...

PERSONAL DOCUMENTS - Have you remembered all your personal paperwork? Read more...

VEHICLE DOCUMENTS - Have you remembered all your vehicle paperwork? Read more...

MONEY - Travellers cheques, cash, credit cards - what will help the most? Read more...

4x4s, Vans & Trucks

VAN SPARES & EQUIPMENT - A comprehensive list from Clive Barker. Read more...

Motor bikes

MOTORBIKE LUGGAGE LIST - A comprehensive guide to the type things required for overland travel on a motorcycle. Read more...

RIDING TECHNIQUES - When travelling overland by motorcycle the range of terrain that can be potentially encountered is wide. From roads to sandy desert pistes to rocky mountain tracks, each requires a different approach to avoid a much-unwanted spill. Read more...

  • Routes - Articles on country information & guides
  • Vehicles - Articles on choosing & sorting out your vehicle for your expedition
  • Backpacking - Articles on preparation for backpacking


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